Fun with Serious Business
How to Fulfil Tight and Demanding Briefs
101 Ways to Make Ballsups in Business
Here is a series of absolutely indispensable e-tips for any
businessperson about stuff that lots of people are…
well, complete pants at (not you, of course).
Learn how NOT to:
Deliver Presentations
Present with Impact
Participate with Confidence in Meetings
Run Effective Meetings
Schmooze at Business Networking Events
This E-book really allows you to indulge in feeling smug. After all,
these handy hints are so obvious that it would be unthinkable
for you to be making such silly mistakes… wouldn’t it?
So just have a read for the fun of it – and to enjoy some hilarious
cartoons by Alexander Matthews.
Of course, you might find it an amusing diversion to have a little
think about which of the tips could conceivably relate to you.
And even to muse upon the possibility of improving just one
tiny thing about the way you present, or run meetings, or negotiate, or network – by NOT following the advice
in these pages. Worth a quick glance, perhaps – even if you know for sure that you’re already pretty much perfect at this kind of thing.
Just to reassure yourself that you can be absolutely positively certain that you’re truly not guilty of a word of it…
Available at all major ebook retailers, including:
Smile.Amazon Kindle Store (a contribution will go to Hearing Dogs for the Deaf)